1st African European Workshop
Slide watering

Humans – through decades of land-use change
and intensified water use and management –
have caused persistent modifications in the coupled water and energy cycles of land and atmosphere.

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CRC 1502 - News

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Looking for past events? You can view all events in the archive.

03.04.2025 Girls' Day-Angebot: „Green Job“

girlsday logo1Stellst du dir die Frage, wie wir auf den Klimawandel reagieren können? Dann haben wir die Antwort für dich! Klimaschutz bedeutet, dass Menschen sich dafür einsetzen, dass sich das Klima nicht so stark wandelt. Seit der Industrialisierung im 19. Jahrhundert erwärmt sich die Erde. Dies liegt vor allem an Treibhausgasen. Gibt es mehr davon in der Atmosphäre, dann wird es wärmer.

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International Spring School NEROGRAV - Registration is open!


”New Refined Observations of Climate Change from Spaceborne Gravity Missions“

March 10-14, 2025 in Neustadt an der Weinstraße, Germany

Deadline for application: December 1st,  2024

The spring school will educate a group of 31 Ph.D. students and junior scientists in state-of-the-art satellite gravimetry data processing (e.g. spherical harmonic analysis, filtering /de-striping, global / regional analysis of grid data) and applications of mass transport data in Earth system sciences related with the global water cycle, the oceans, or the cryosphere. A look into the future of satellite gravimetry missions completes the program.

Lectures and practicals will be given by members of the Research Group NEROGRAV* and other key experts in the topics discussed, including Michael Schindelegger and Anne Springer from DETECT.

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PrePEP Conference 2025 - Registration is open!

PrePEP conference 2025: Registration is open now and abstract submission deadline is 31 October 2024.


University of Bonn, main building, copyright: Volker Lannert / University of Bonn

The international conference on ‘Precipitation Processes - Estimation and Prediction (PrePEP)’ to be held 16-21 March 2025 in Bonn, Germany, will bring together scientists contributing with new approaches to improve the monitoring, understanding, nowcasting and prediction of precipitation processes. This includes advancements in integrated multi-sensor observations, their exploitation for parameterization developments, classical or AI-based Nowcasting techniques, microphysical retrieval development, data assimilation, the blending with numerical weather prediction, hydrological flood forecasts and warning strategies.

Please visit the conference website here for more information.




CESOC - Introduction and Upcoming Events


The Center for Earth System Observation and Computational analysis (CESOC)

… is a research partnership of the Universities Bonn and Cologne as well as the Forschungszentrum Jülich and closely cooperates with the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF).

Upcoming activities and events organized by CESOC:

August 25-27, 2025: Third workshop on ‘Machine Learning for the Earth System Modelling’ (formally Large-Scale Deep Learning for the Earth System) that will take place again in Bonn, Germany, and online.

The workshop will discuss the latest developments on large-scale machine learning for Earth system modelling and will cover the following topics:

  • Machine learning-based numerical weather prediction
  • Climate emulators and machine learning-based climate models
  • Machine learning-based Earth system component models, such as ocean and land models
  • Incorporation of Earth system observations in the above models
  • Evaluation and explainability of the above models
  • Datasets for model training, evaluation and benchmarks

Registration and abstract submission will open in April 2025. For further details and updates, please visit: https://cesoc.net/third-workshop-on-machine-learning-for-the-earth-system/

August 27-29,2025: Hackathon on Machine Learning for the Earth System. Following the workshop on ML this hackathon is designed as a hands-on event for PhD students and early-career researchers passionate about applying ML to weather and climate research!

Why join? Gain insights from inspiring expert talks, tackle hands-on coding challenges, connect with leading researchers through mentorship and networking, and compete for exciting prizes. With two tracks—Beginner & Advanced—there’s a place for every skill level!
For more information about the Hackathon, please visit:  https://cesoc.net/hackathon-on-machine-learning-for-the-earth-system/ - Apply from March 17th!


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Collaborative Research Centre (SFB) 1502 - DETECT

Kekuléstr. 39a
53115 Bonn

+49 228 73 60585 / 60600

Coordination Office

logomosaik slim Universität Bonn Forschungszentrum Jülich Geomar Georg-August-Universität Göttingen Deutscher Wetterdienst