with Prof. Marieke van den Brink: Jan-18 2024
In our first DE-I-TECT Lecture, Professor Marieke van den Brink, Professor of Gender and Diversity at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Scientific Director of Radboud Gender & Diversity Studies, Radboud University, NL (please see here for further information https://www.ru.nl/en/people/brink-m-van-den ) gave a talk about “Sponsorship in higher education: gendered effects and possibilities for Early Career Researchers”.
We learnt from Marieke about differences between mentoring and sponsorship, in a nutshell: mentors advise, sponsors act and use their power to influence. An upward and downward spiral was used to illustrate the different directions in which career opportunities can develop with the same qualifications, but depending on the form in which the protegees are supported and integrated into networks.
Ibarra, H., Carter, N., Silva, C. (2010). Why men still get more promotions than women, Harvard Business Review, (sept) 81-85
In her lecture, Marieke showed various ways to counteract the imbalance. One central aspect throughout was awareness raising, among all those involved, but also encouraging and creating opportunities. Examples – for both sides – include asking for promotion, encourage for applying for the next position, additional funding or invitations to grant writing, shared keynotes or memberships in organising committees...
The discussion following the lecture clearly showed need for opportunities and networking events. Organising, facilitating access and inclusion to “the network” and related events forms another important pillar to counteract imbalances.
In the zoom event approx. 80 participants attended. The positive feedback encourages us to continue. Suggestions for lecture topics are welcome; please see also our website: https://www.sfb1502.de/diversity
Authors: Silke Hüttel, Dorothee Berkle-Müller