Geodätisches Kolloquium WS 2024/2025 [09.01.2025] - Prof. Dr. Andreas Fink

Geodätisches Kolloquium Wintersemester 2024/2025
09.01.2025, 16:00 h c.t., Hörsaal XVI, IGG, Nußallee 17, Bonn

Prof. Dr. Andreas Fink, Uni Karlsruhe, Institute of Technology (KIT), Institute for Meteorology and Climate Research (IMKTRO): Recent extreme droughts and floods in Africa: causes and pathways to improve early warning

The Greater Horn of Africa has been stricken by a series of extreme droughts, but also floods in the recent decades. Debilitating floods also affected the Sahel in recent years, including 2024, and parts of southern Africa had one of their driest rainy season in decades in 2023/2024. The talk will discuss the potential causes of these hydro-meteorological extremes and discuss novel opportunities to improve early warning by providing more accurate forecasts of these events.


© Magali Hauser / KIT



© Prof. Dr. Andreas Fink

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53115 Bonn

+49 228 73 60585 / 60600

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logomosaik slim Universität Bonn Forschungszentrum Jülich Geomar Georg-August-Universität Göttingen Deutscher Wetterdienst